How chiropractic can help with slipped discs

One of the back conditions that patients routinely visit a chiropractor for is a herniated disc. This type of injury generally responds well to chiropractic treatment so it’s wise to schedule an appointment in the early stages. Herniated disc treatment not only helps reduce pain levels and increase mobility, but can help patients avoid prescription pain medications and any side effects that come along with them.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc refers to a situation where the outer portion of one of your vertebral discs has been torn. This allows the inner portion of the disc, or nucleus, to protrude through the disc wall (think of jam coming out of a donut). Herniated discs are sometimes called ruptured discs or slipped discs. The herniated portion of the disc can end up compressing nerves that surround the disc, which is why it is often associated with a lot of pain.

Common Causes

A herniated disc usually has an original traumatic cause, such as lifting something heavy or twisting. Sometimes herniated discs can become episodic, where they gradually improve but sometimes a little lift or sitting too long can cause them to become painful again. As we get older, our discs lose moisture content and become less flexible, making them prone to tears and ruptures without a whole lot of stress being placed on them. Some factors that may increase your risk of suffering a herniated disc such as having a physically demanding job, improper lifting, and even sitting too long every day.

Common Herniated Disc Symptoms

Herniated discs can cause a lot of pain if they press on a nerve. If your herniated disc is in your lower back, you’ll be more likely to feel pain in your buttocks, hips, thighs, and calves. If the problem is in your cervical vertebrae in your neck then you’re more likely to feel pain in your shoulders and arms. Numbness, tingling and general weakness are also symptoms of a herniated disc. Typically, the muscles that surround the area affected will also become spasmed, causing limitations in movement and pain.

When to See a Chiropractor

Many patients will come to us with these symptoms, but no diagnosis. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, or any back pain that’s been undiagnosed, our chiropractors can assess the issue and formulate an effective diagnosis and treatment plan. Our examination involves neurological and orthopaedic testing to assess the nerves, muscles and joints, so we can effectively understand what nerve is being affected by the disc, if that is the issue. We then tailor our care to that. Chiropractic treatment can vary from very gentle techniques, such a mobilisation and acupuncture, to stronger techniques such as adjustments. Typically with disc herniations we start with gentle treatment only in order to calm down inflammation and muscle spasm, and then gradually progress the treatment as the disc heals.

If you have any of the above symptoms and would like to book an appointment with us then give us a call on 01202 604707 or email


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