10 Amazing Facts About The Spine – How Many Do You Know?

As Chiropractors we think the spine is pretty amazing! I wanted to share with you all some of my favourite facts about the spine that show why it’s so important to have a healthy and functional spine.

1) The spine contains over 120 muscles, around 220 individual ligaments and 100 joints.

2) When we’re born, our spine contains 33 vertebrae, but most of us end up with just 24. As you grow older, some of the vertebrae fuse together and form the sacrum (back of the pelvis) and coccyx (tailbone).

3) Baby’s spines begin developing just two months after conception. The spine is the first bone to start to grow when we are in the womb.

4) Humans and giraffes have the same amount of vertebrae (7) in their neck. Pretty amazing, right?

5) Unlike nearly every other mammal that has 7 vertebrae in the neck, sloths have up to 10. The extra bones are actually rib cage vertebrae masquerading as neck vertebrae. This allows them to move their necks up to 270 degrees in either direction

6) We are the only mammals who suffer from scoliosis.

7) Vehicle accidents are the leading cause of injuries to the spinal cord and back pain.

8) The spinal cord contains around 13.5 million neurons.

9) If the spine didn’t have curves it wouldn’t be anywhere near as strong.

10) You are taller after returning from space and first thing in the morning. Astronauts who return from space are averagely 3% taller than prior to the departure. They are taller due to lack of gravity and their discs being under less pressure so they are hydrated and larger. You are also taller in the morning because your spine has 8 hours without the downward pull of gravity. 

I hope you enjoyed these 10 facts about the spine. Let us know which one surprised you the most!


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