The importance of warming up before exercise

Whenever you go to a gym class, the instructors will always take you through a warm up - and they’re not wrong! You should always warm up your body before engaging in any strenuous exercise or physical activity. Especially when it comes to serious athletes, dynamic stretching and warming up will help your performance and prevent sports injury. To that end, here are some warm-up tips you can use before exercising.

Warm-Up Tips

  • Incorporate dynamic warmups. You can customise your warmup to the types of movements you will be doing when you are exercising.

  • Doing a few minutes of brisk cardio can be a great way of warming up before engaging in any weight lifting or strengthening exercise.

  • Foam rolling: Rolling out the muscle groups before they are used is a great way to warm up the soft tissue.

  • Down dog and cobra progressions: doing 5 reps of each is a really good way to mobilise the spine.

Specific Body Weight Exercises

  • Squats: Make sure to sit back when squatting, avoid your torso going too far into forward flexion and keep your knees tracking straight ahead directly over the big and second toes.

  • Lunges: Keep the knees in line with the feet and don’t let the front knee track past the toes. 

  • Push-ups: Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body to limit the stress on the shoulders. 

  • Wall angels: Don’t let your spine come off the wall while trying to keep the arms and hands touching the wall. 

Talk with a Chiropractor

If you are injured, chiropractic care can be very beneficial to helping you recover. Chiropractic for injury prevention is also a great way of protecting yourself from injuries or making sure you recover quickly if you get hurt. Chiropractors are familiar with the strain and pain that sports and exercise can put on your body. If you are in need of chiropractic care, call us on 01202 604707 or email so we can discuss your needs. It’s always good to prevent injury before enduring in the long haul of recovery.


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