What are the causes of hip pain?
Hip pain can be anything from a mild annoyance to feeling debilitating and effecting everyday life. Many people of different ages suffer with hip pain, and this can be alongside other ailments or just a stand alone issue. Whatever the age, lifestyle, or level of pain - you shouldn’t have to suffer with hip pain.
The first thing we would do at Wimborne Wellness Centre to determine what is causing your hip pain is take a thorough history to see how it started, then we do specific orthopaedic and neurological tests to see why it is happening. This is then when we work out our diagnosis and how we can help you.
There are several different causes of hip pain that are roughly outlined here:
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome: this is where there is a combination of bursitis (swelling of the bursa - a little pocket of fluid that protects the joint) and tendinitis (swelling of the tendon) caused by tightness in the muscles around the hip - often this pain is over the outside of the hip and can radiate slightly down the leg
Arthritis: also known as degenerative joint disease - wear and tear can cause pain in the hip, specifically within the groin. A lot of people believe there is nothing that can be done for wear and tear, and while we can’t reverse the process, there is usually a lot that we can do to help with symptoms.
Sacroiliac joint pain: the SI joint is within the pelvis at the very bottom of the spine, it is often mis-described as the hip - however this joint can refer down into the hip joint and cause pain.
Femoroacetabular joint impingement: this is where there are little extra bony growths on either the ball or the socket joint, this causes restriction of the joint and can ‘pinch’ and cause pain. This isn’t that common, however when we do come across it it is something we can usually manage with chiropractic and massage
If we are still unsure of the diagnosis after our testing, we would often refer for an x ray or MRI to further look at the cause.
Luckily most causes of hip pain are fairly straight forward and can be looked after by chiropractic and massage care - however even if we don’t think we can help you fully, we can always co manage your case with another healthcare professional, or refer you to somewhere we believe would be able to help you more.
So if you are struggling with hip pain, what do you have to lose? Call us on 01202 604707 or email admin@wimbornewellnesscentre.co.uk and we can start helping you!