Shin splints: how chiropractic can help!

A shin splint can be an absolute hindrance to anyone trying to maintain an active lifestyle. The pain caused by them can put a damper on your routines and prevent you from reaching your fitness goals and health aims.

But, did you know that with chiropractic care you can find a conservative approach to treat shin splints?

What Does A Shin Splint Feel Like?

If you aren’t sure what a shin splint may feel like, let us ask you the following:

  • Do you have any type of pain including soreness or tenderness located within the inner side of your shinbone?

  • Do you have mild swelling in your lower legs?

  • Do you have an identifiable lump located on the lower part of your shinbone?

  • Do you experience a “crunchy” sensation in your lower legs accompanied by inflammation?

If you experience any of the above issues or your legs (below the knee) have mild to severe pain, it’s a good idea to get it examined in a new patient consultation at Wimborne Wellness Centre.

What Causes Shin Splints

A shin splint, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, can be quite painful and disruptive for anyone with an active lifestyle, especially athletes. So, what exactly causes this problem?

To be fair, the exact reason behind how a shin splint may occur is not fully understood but the main causes are very much clear. A shin splint is commonly associated with strenuous and repetitive activities that direct strain, tension or pressure on a person’s shinbone as well as the surrounding connective tissue which attaches the leg muscle to the tibia bone.

Although a shin splint can put a restraint on your activities, it is not considered a serious condition. By visiting a chiropractor, we can provide effective treatment to reduce the pain and help you get back to activity.

Preventing Shin Splints

So how exactly can you prevent shin splints from happening?

Below are some tips we’ve come up with that can help reduce the chances of you developing a shin splint in your leg:

  • Choose soft surfaces to help alleviate the impact on your legs.

  • Consider training with lower impact sports like swimming or biking.

  • Wear the right footwear for the right activity.

  • Start using arch supports and inserts in your shoes.

  • Strengthen the muscles in your lower legs with exercises such as toe raises.

By following some of these tips, you’ll have a better chance of preventing a shin splint from reoccuring.

You may also want to seek chiropractic care to manage your symptoms if the above doesn’t work effectively - if so then give us a call on 01202 604707 or email


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