Chiropractic care during pregnancy

Do you suffer from things such as back pain, headaches, sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome? Are you nervous about your labor?

Chiropractic care is effective in creating a more comfortable pregnancy and is proven to treat things such as back pain, headaches, sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic care has also shown to reduce overall labor times by as much as 25%.

Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?

YES! Chiropractic adjustments are safe during pregnancy. Chiropractors make alterations in technique and patient positioning to accommodate for the increase in belly size. Spinal adjustments are especially gentle during pregnancy and focus on ligament and muscular release is implemented to create symmetry and comfort.

How does chiropractic care help during pregnancy?

Headaches – Headaches can often be a result of chronic poor posture such as forward head tilt or rounded shoulders. This leads to constant strain on the neck and upper back. Spinal restriction, muscular tension and nerve entrapment can all be irritated causing a headache in response.

Pelvic alignment – Proper pelvic alignment allows the baby enough room to grow properly at each stage of pregnancy.

  • As you get closer to labor, a properly aligned pelvis allows the baby to move to the proper head down position allowing for easier labor and delivery.

  • If a pregnant mother does not have proper alignment of the pelvic joints - tightening and spasm of the uterine ligaments and muscles can occur which is termed in-utero constraint. This condition can block the baby’s ability to turn properly and is the main cause of breech presentations.

Back Pain – 76% of women experience back pain during some portion of their pregnancy. This is due to shifts in posture and the hormonal changes as weight gain continues.

How does chiropractic care help during labor?

Women who have undergone chiropractic adjustments during their pregnancy report that their labours are easier and less stressful on their bodies.

  • A study revealed that first time mothers under chiropractic care had 24% shorter labour times versus women who were not.

  • Chiropractic patients who have had previous children experienced 39% shorter labour times.

  • Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can also reduce the likelihood of experiencing back labour. This is usually caused by the position of the foetus with the baby’s back of their skull pressed against the sacrum instead of against the front of the pelvis. Avoiding this painful condition, therefore, contributes to less likelihood of requiring pain medication during delivery.

Chiropractic Care During Postpartum

  • Chiropractic care has been proven to enhance the way your body functions to prepare for your new baby

  • Chiropractic care is very beneficial during the postpartum period which is particularly stressful to the new mum who is constantly:

    • Looking down to feed her baby

    • Carrying the baby

    • Frequently lifting the baby to comfort

    • Sleeping in odd positions between feedings

If you have any questions about how chiropractic can help you during your pregnancy journey, or you would like to enquire for a consultation, then please give us a call on 01202 604707 or email


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