Chiropractic care for dizziness and vertigo

If you have ever suffered from dizziness and vertigo then you know that horrible feeling of the room spinning, you feeling unbalanced, or that feeling that you’re about to fall. There are a number of different reasons that can cause dizziness and vertigo, and luckily many of them can be addressed by chiropractic care.

Some factors are areas that we can manage ourselves - for example dehydration, vitamin deficiencies or fatigue. Other factors can be more physical - such as neck tension, nerve irritation or inner ear issues. Other more serious causes are quite rare, however it is always worth getting those checked out and cleared.

Cervicogenic Dizziness

Cervicogenic dizziness, as the name suggests, is dizziness coming from the neck. Chiropractors can address these issues by working on the joints and muscles around the neck and upper back. We also address your posture, as well as give you specific exercises, to help prevent these issues reoccurring. Chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and rehabilitation can all be done to help with this cause of dizziness.


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is where the crystals in the ear become unsettled, and cause sudden attacks of vertigo upon movement. This can be diagnosed by a chiropractor using a technique called a Dix-Hallpike, and luckily can usually be treated with an Epley’s manouvre (which our chiropractors can also do!)

Next time you have a bout of dizziness and seem to be getting nowhere with conventional treatment, it might be worth considering seeing a chiropractor! To book in or enquire further, please call 01202 604707 or email


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