Causes of hip pain and ways to relieve discomfort at home!


Hip pain is more common than many of us may have ever realised. While it is common in adults of all ages, it is most common in older adults, with nearly 1 in 5 adults self-reporting some kind of hip pain. The causes vary but are often related to some sort of injury, physical condition, or degenerative condition. Thankfully, this pain is also very treatable – even at home.


Injuries to your hip can come from many different sources, but the causes of hip pain can usually be broken down into one of two ways:

  • Disease or disorder: Many degenerative disorders or illnesses can cause hip pain. Depending on what you are suffering from, these issues may not be exclusive to your hip, either. For example, while arthritis often attacks your hip, that’s not to say that it will only attack your hip. Other examples of possible injuries include bursitis, tendinitis, or osteonecrosis. While these diseases may be “incurable,” that doesn’t mean that the symptoms aren’t treatable, and professional medical care can help you better treat these challenges.

  • Injury: Injuries – such as sprains, strains, fractures, or broken bones – are common in hips.
    This however can have an unfortunate knock of effect and cause a lack of normal range of motion. The hip should be one of the most mobile joints in your body, if the hip doesn’t have a normal range of motion then it leads to dysfunction and injuries to the internal anatomy, i.e degenerative disorders and inflammatory conditions (itis’s).

It is important to remember that this pain can be caused by any number of factors, and if the pain is truly causing you discomfort or interfering with your activities of daily living, you should see a doctor or medical professional. Don’t try to diagnose yourself on the internet!

A doctor may prescribe you pain relief medications or suggest a variety of other remedies to help you deal with your pain. Thankfully, many of these forms of relief can be done at home.


If you are looking for hip pain relief, there are many ways that you can find it. This includes:

  • Stretching and Mobility: Regular stretching and mobility exercises has been shown to relieve this pain, help improve your flexibility, and reduce your risk of injury. There are many specific stretches that you can try. If this is the route you take, it is important to first speak with a medical professional to confirm that you are in good enough shape to exercise.

  • Yoga: Yoga has a long history of helping to provide pain relief. Low-impact yoga can work for anyone – even those who have very limited mobility. Like stretching, practicing yoga on a regular basis can help strengthen your muscles, regain your balance, and reduce the chances of hurting yourself in the future.

  • Chiropractic & massage: our chiropractors can effectively diagnose and treat a range of hip disorders and we often advise sports massage to reduce muscle tension and adhesion. We also provide personalised exercise plans to help with your hip pain.

If you have hip pain and want to see one of our chiropractors - call us today on 01202 604707 or email to see how we can help :)


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